Friday, June 20, 2014


Kerra Jones
June 19, 2014
            College, there are so many things that I am ready to pursue. Sometimes I don't even know where to begin. There are several things here at the University of Kentucky that has caught my eye but thinking about all of these things at one time has caused to go a little cross eyes here and there. Throughout my four years here at the University of Kentucky, I don't just want to be heard, I want to be understood so that when I walk across the stage with a Bachelors in Science, my footprints will remain. 
              Everyone is unique in there own way, meaning that my way of research may not benefit one of my peers. But as my mother always told me "Always keep an open mind there is no real harm in trying new things." Therefore I am actually a little nervous to embark upon this activity. As a student I feel that everyone's form of research should not be the exact thing but very similar. This will allow my peers and me to do something that we haven't really done before as well as stepping outside of our confront zone. Each researcher has a different pathway to their success yet they all end up with the same outcome, accurate information. 
            I also believe that researching something that sparks your interest will allow you to study that topic to the best of your ability. Each individual may not be interested in the same thing. I personally am passionate about health and helping those who are in need of assistance. Being a dentist to some may seem like a minor task or job... but lets just think for a second, what all do we use our teeth for. Eating, talking or even showing a bright smile are some of the things that our community takes for granted.  
            As my experience here at the University of Kentucky continues I find several things that have caught my attention. First is the Nationally ranked cheerleading team and the College of Agriculture, which is where I will be taking most of my classes. 
           Each day that I am here at the University, I feel as if I am one step closer to pursuing the career of my dreams. As a child I have always been pretty ambitious. I alway told myself, "if you shoot for the moon and miss, you will always land on a star." Therefore I plan to major in Dietetics and minor in Spanish. Once I have complete undergraduate school I plan to attend Pre-Dentistry school. I have hopes and high wishes of being a pediatric orthodontist. 
            As I continue to follow my dream, I know that it won't be easy. Research will take a lot of work and time to make sure that you are gathering accurate information. I know that that I will take up most of my time but as I mange my time, research may come a little easier to me. College won't be easy but I know it will be worth it.

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